49. January 5, 2019: « Sur les 36 députés signataires de l’appel à sauver les abeilles, 30 ont soutenu au moins un amendement contestant l’interdiction des néonicotinoïdes »
This page is a part of the corpus (Annexe 1) used to write Stéphane Foucart and neonicotinoids.
Here, I relate what the journalist said in his article « Sur les 36 députés signataires de l’appel à sauver les abeilles, 30 ont soutenu au moins un amendement contestant l’interdiction des néonicotinoïdes ». All quotes, originally in French, were translated by me.
Le Monde published at the end of December 2018 a column entitled “Bees are essential” signed by 36 MPs The Republicans or related.
- 30 of them supported at least one amendment challenging the ban on NNIs in the Egalim law passed in 2018.
- around ten have co-signed “one or more amendments authorizing the return of aerial spraying of pesticides, using drones”
- around twenty have co-signed “amendments aimed at relaxing the constraints weighing on the aforementioned aerial spraying”
- about twenty have “proposed or supported the elimination or weakening of a flagship measure of the bill: the separation of the activities of sale of pesticides and technical advice to farmers”, which would however be “one of the causes major overuse of agrotoxics”.
In addition, while in their forum they implicate the Minister of Agriculture at the time, Didier Guillaume, who would have “aroused strong reactions from NGOs, in the investigation of babies known as“ born without arms”, by declaring that scientists had to prove that pesticides had consequences on health”, and “there is no evidence to date that pesticides are involved in these malformations”, 29 of them co-signed at least one amendment “aimed at striking out from the bill a provision restricting the possibility of spraying pesticides in the vicinity of dwellings”.
Thus, with two exceptions, they would all have tried to “curb the ambition of the” Egalim” bill to limit the use of pesticides”.